ayu's DIARY: 29/06/2009

But hey; 2009/06/30 02:59

I did not return home from where I was。


Yes、it's the second time in Bali.

I、in the flight to come back、there's was also delay toget aboard, and to kill the time Chon-san、and Banchou、we went to the Starbucks of the airport。

I ordered a Green Tea Frappuchino。

This is。

It's the usually look of a Green Tea Frappuchino?

But、the perfect flavour could have been vanilla。

I convinced that this is the color。(Laughs)

Oh、I also ordered one of this。

A Blueberry Muffin。

This is.



This is a grotesc muffin!!!

I have courageeeeeeeeeeeee。(Explosion)

Chon-san、the Tea from Starbucks、because it was the first time、was super excited、that I sinked。(Laughs)

Yes、such a feeling、as if it wher a lie from the morning I retured home、I've been working all day in Tokyo、and I'm on the way、now discouraged in the car moving。

At this moment、I've a small age object。

A ribbon、so cute〜♪ age〜♪(←simple。)

Yet, let's work!!!!!!!

But、there's not enough time。。。

Tomorrow will start the last minute course in the last flight。。。


Tomorrow, will do all (come on, this, lol) of what I said,

I will start the concentration (^_-)-☆

Creds: walking.proud@AHS


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