TA Message 525-526-527

Convince ...
No. 525 07-05-2009 17h32

... that all goes well and show our smiling face as we know so well done.

Not something that starts like that, but the feeling that has really changed.

If I hid my shaking hands , it's because friendship is too cold.

I watched myself with warmth but without conviction it does not heat. Except that it does not look at me at all.

Until I fall and disappears without a trace.

I no longer want to hear or say nice words.

The pain is increasing, then support it as possible.

An air that is too pure has proved to be the calm before the storm.

All these people who seem so nice, what do they really know?

Beyond a look that seems friendly, he is hiding a blade that is called perfidious curiosity .

But what do you want?

But what do you want then?

But where do you want to go?

And with whom do you get it?

This is the first and last time that you will be able to live as you.

After unfolded a large map, you can draw what will be your own way.

Taking care that I drew does not melt and does not trouble because of rain, being careful, I return to my work ...


Go! !
No. 526 08-05-2009 02h09

In search of a Next Level even better, we held a summit meeting.

Hmmm, the second round will be so good...! (_-)- ☆

Well, the prototype of the Live DVD PCDL is finished , Chon-san will make a quick check.


I am ...
No. 527 09-05-2009 02h19

... ready (_) v! ! !

You can come, Round 2! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

I will live each moment with most attention!
I remember all the details and locking in my heart.

And I change the subject, but just now I went to jogging.

History to climb up my heartbeats.

Then a man screamed at me completely drunk with a huge voice:


That is what he screamed.

And obviously, everyone who is walking quietly there have heard everything ...
Small panic! lol

Well, the "AYUUUU!!" I can understand. Yes, since I am ... Ayu!
As against the "WOOOOOOOW!!!" ... Believe that? It is a bit limited, no? lol

Finally, it is tomorrow (Ayu said tomorrow because she has posted before going to sleep even if the message is dated 9/05 ...) to Yokohama Arenaaaaa! ♪

Credit: Incognito @ AyuAngel.com & Ayu_Ready@AHS
Posted by Ayu's Story


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