TA Message 496

No.496 2009 Thursday, April 9 12:09

are important things.

Yesterday after the dress rehearsal at Saitama, without being
all finished (sweat) we continued the PCDL editing, following things because
I'm approaching the deadline. I'm doing each, it took me until now...(-_-)

I'll sleep a bit now, and then come back to Saitama.

Still incomplete, so with a high spirit, looking at yesterday's meeting
with the rehearsal recording, I feel to study hard and go towards.

Today again, face to the next level.

Everyone together, languishment arrives. Laughs

Say it's all right and nod your head No problem even if you have no basis

That's really my courage ☆ (*)

*EnergizE lyrics

Creds: walking.proud@AHS


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